Wednesday, October 13, 2010

La Fiesta

Price and Nanne's birthday party morning dawned clear and warm, after several days of rain. What a relief! With help from Jim and Mike, we headed down to the Nepo to set up. We'd experienced plenty of Mexican parties by now so the kids were clear on what they wanted. And I knew that we needed to be sure that everyone could eat and hang out for a loooong time! We were expecting over 80 people to arrive at some point after 2pm.

So we set up tables with colors of the US and Mexican flags with individual pots of cactuses in the middle for folks to take home. We had tents to protect us from the sun which was deliciously hot. The food came from Our Favorite Place, the gordita joint right up the street. They did not disappoint with amazing food and lots of it.

All of our friends from school came as did many of the other people we met during our time in Guanajuato. We used the excuse of the birthday to invite everyone we knew. We found really cool pinatas to hang, and got the brinkoline (spelling? bouncy castle to me) of the twins' dreams. Then there was just the wonderfulness of being in an old hacienda with an amazing pool!

Andrea, our wonderful babysitter, set up a face-painting station and did some great work. We got a band that played jarocho music that got lots of folks dancing. They were so cool. You can check them out if you want: La Viejo Son at

I made a brief toast in Spanish to thank everyone for all they had done for us over the year. Price writhed on the ground in mortification and luckily both were captured on film.

And then there were the cakes and the morditas mentioned in an earlier post but worth a few more pics. And with all those accoutrements, we settled in for a wonderful 8 hour party that just eased into night.

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