Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lucy (oh, and her dads too)

Nanne was especially delighted by the arrival of her dear friend, Lucy. Lucy and Mike and Jim arrived on a school day and came with me to pick up the kids. Lucy was immediately surrounded by all of Nanne's new Mexican friends who had heard so much about her. Many people were struck by how much alike they look -- I had never really realized that before! After hearing that, the girls worked the look-alike thing hard!

Like many before them, the Messineo-Witts experienced the rainier side of Guanajuato, but threw themselves into the visit with gusto. One of the markers of their trip was the World Cup, which was in full swing when they arrived. Jos and I watched the first Mexico game at an outdoor restaurant up the street with a gaggle of friends. It was exciting and tons of fun. The kids watched it at school -- no work was more important than this.
For the next game, I took the MW's to town where we watched it in the Jardin surrounded by lots of ardent fans. We got Lucy a shirt first thing so she could fit in!

We had fun doing some pinata shopping and discovered some real works of art! In addition, both Mike and Jim were incredibly helpful in setting up for the twins' birthday party (a story for another post).

Sadly, Jim's mother passed away during their visit and they had to leave early. We decided to spend a night in San Miguel before they left, which was lovely as usual.

I am realizing that I don't have one picture of Mike from the visit, except this one, taken by him like all the others:

Thanks for much for visiting us, guys!

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