Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Daily Life

In the midst of our Visiting Season, we had a few weeks to settle into our routine. Price and Nanne have really become fluent Spanish speakers at a 4th grade level. Pretty wonderful to experience. Time and again, people tell me that if they aren't looking at them, they think they are Mexican children talking. At times, I hear them and don't realize they are my children.

Nanne sometimes actually seems more comfortable talking in Spanish. She has a really nice group of friends here and spends lots of time chattering on the phone, having sleepovers, going to friends houses for comida. She now plays tennis twice a week with 4 friends. Their poor teacher spends a lot of time shouting "Ninas!!"

Price continues to play soccer at school twice a week and has his own set of buddies. While they aren't as social as the girls, they get together as well.

He started baseball on a community team. The first time didn't go so well. We thought we were going to watch, but the coach put him in. It was not pretty. He was devastated and swore to never return. The next week was an away game in Leon, an hour from here. Being the mean mom I am, I made him go, alone. All day, we worried that it would be a disaster. But when he returned 7 hours later, he was ecstatic! Whew.

That afternoon we met some of his friends and their families to swim and eat. So fun for all of us. The parents are really great people, interesting, funny, nice, and patient with our spanish. The next day, Price went with one of the families to the mom's village. She has a huge family and he first had desayuno with one group of 50 and then went off to the grandparents' farm for comida with even more. What an experience.

And, of course, these darn pets. They continue to be blessings and pains in our butts! At one point this spring, Wink disappeared for 8 days. And just as we were giving up hope, he waltzed back in. Luckily, he seems to want to stay closer to home now. The wet food we use to bribe them helps!

And Memo literally just ate my phone charger. Ieeeeeeee!!

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