"Coach Ari," from the kids' school in the States came to stay for two weeks to go to Spanish language class and do some volunteer work. And at the same time, Mylene and Pablo arrived for a quick visit. What fun it was!

While Ari was out learning Spanish, we dragged Mylene and Pablo all over the city, and to our end-of-year school party. Of course, the Nepo was a big part of the visit!
One Saturday, we all made our way to Dolores
Hidalgo to see the sights, stopped at a random
hot spring, and then had an amazing meal at the mountaintop outside of Guanajuato.
And we were all together that fateful day when the Dutch fell to the Spanish. Some at the table were quite pleased, others disconsolate. As I tried to explain to Price that sometimes after a hard loss it was easier to be angry than to be. . . I searched for the right word, and Mylene completed it so nicely: "gracious." Okay, so maybe we weren't gracious in defeat, but we still loved those Spanish-lovers!