[Nanne often uses Jos as her doll thus this hairdo]
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
El Guero con el perro
[Nanne often uses Jos as her doll thus this hairdo]
Monday, February 1, 2010
La Navidad
Reading "Twas the Night Before Xmas;" hanging stockings; the tree and pinata after Santa's visit
Christmas Day was magical. The usual craziness of kids and presents, with a yummy meal in Harriet's incredible garden, and a pinata from Santa, just for fun.
We then spent a fun week enjoying old friends, new books and all the fun of San Miguel. There were shows by the kids and a lot of backgammon played by all. We took Lily and Tyler back to GTO for a few days and New Years Eve.
And when it was time to say goodbye, we headed off to Mexico City where Jos had gotten a great deal at the Four Seasons -- what luxury. We visited the Anthropology Museum and Xochimilco, an ancient part of the Aztec city of Tenochitlan, all of which fit into the kids homework of studying for their Mexican history test. We ate some incredible food and enjoyed some serious urbaneness for a few days. When we returned it was time for Three Kings Day and more presents before the kids and I resumed school and our more mundane lives. Jos's more interesting life will be the subject of the next blog!
This following video is a long one (5 minutes) and really meant for anyone under the age of 12, at least in spirit. It's one of the many shows put on by Calla, Nanne, Price and Eloise. It is very funny!
We showed them the sights of Guanajuato and just enjoyed hanging out with them at home. There were lots of giggles and the usual cousin spats which were music to our ears.
Then we packed everyone up and with our dear GTO friends, Ashley and John and girls, we headed to the beach. Our first stop was three hours away in Morelia, a really beautiful city in the state of Michoacan. We stayed at a funky old hotel overlooking the cathedral and did a little exploring.
Next stop, Zihuatanejo a beachside fishing village in the state of Guerrero. Ashley had found us an incredible house to rent overlooking the beach. It was hot and sunny and delicious! Price was sick when we first arrived and Jos took him to a Mexican version of House who told him to chew his food better and prescribed an antibiotic that worked fast (although we needed some help from Dr. Porter to wipe it out completely as it reared its head again 10 days later). We cooked at home every night and enjoyed all the fresh produce.
Our rooftop pool and dining room. The view from the roof. Lincoln, Nanne and Aydan.
Thanksgiving was a hot beach day and didn't feel much like a traditional Thanksgivig. We spoke with family in the States, ate a yummy meal and said thanks. John brought his guitar and led us in some great sing-alongs.
A big highlight of the trip was snorkeling in a cove a short boatride away. Sadly, the reef didn't look too healthy
and the fish not too plentiful, but the kids loved it and we did too.
On Sunday, Rhys and family flew home out of Ixtapa, the next town over. We headed off with the McGah-Welch's on a bus odyssey back home to Guanajuato. Nanne felt a bit homesick after having a taste of "real home" as she said. We tried to have a Sound of Music moment in the bus station but it didn't catch on like we hoped!